Evangelical? That’s more apt than you may think, Twisty

I found the following coincidence uncanny:

Here is “sex-neutral” feminist Twisty Faster on sex:

While recognizing that penis placement has enormous political, social, and economic ramifications, particularly for members of the sex caste, the sex-neutral feminist — and I may be the only one alive — puts the act itself on a par with sneezing.

And here is Orthodox fundamentalist Dmitrii Artemyev on sex:

Even if [a Christian man] gets pleasure from the act of intercourse, he should treat it as the sort of shameful pleasure one experience upon visiting the toilet, because relief can please the body…

I wonder if these two people, if they ever met, would annihilate each other like matter and anti-matter.

It would make for a pretty cool experiment. Or an even cooler “Star Trek” episode, complete with Data’s bewildered musings on the nature of humanity after he saves the Enterprise from being destroyed in the keruffle with his skillful manipulations of a tachyon beam, and much eyebrow-cocking from Jean Luc (and you know we all live for the eyebrow-cocking).

P.S. What’s up with the ageism, Twisty? Once again, sex has been relegated to something that those “drunk twenty-year olds do” (I am paraphrasing here, but this is essentially what was said). Does Twisty go by Tom Wolfe (he of the misogyny and the “I [Boinked] Charlotte Simmons” fame) in other, more exalted literary circles?

32 thoughts on “Evangelical? That’s more apt than you may think, Twisty

  1. oh for crying out loud. a “sex neutral” person wouldn’t rabbit ON and ON and ON the subject as endlessly as she does.

    unless, I suppose, what she’s really after is hits, and that’s a tried and true way of getting them. still, damn, that song’s getting stale.

  2. and rather odd for a lesbian to automatically associate “penii” with “sex,” there. Let me guess: the earth didn’t move there, either? Look: the term “asexual” is a perfectly valid and frankly underrepresented one: just claim it proudly already and stop making like this is what lesbianism is all about. I realize this may just be as much about Don’t Frighten The Straight People as anything else, but for heaven’s -sake- already.

  3. I think it would depend on which “generation” of Star Trek they were on… I think even most “s(e)x-neutral feminist[s]”, and probably 10% of “Orthodox fundamentalist[s]” would be willing to test the sneeze/relief theory with Kirk.

  4. From the quote from ‘Orthodox fundamentalist’ Dmitrii Artemyev:

    “Even if [a Christian man] gets pleasure … [etc.], he should treat it as the sort of shameful pleasure one experiences upon visiting the toilet, because relief can please the body …”

    Artemyev’s phobia toward intercourse is part of his own particular neurosis, but his implied comparison of male ejaculation with urination, with both being shameful, is actually rooted in early Christian asceticism, which is in turn rooted in first-through-fourth-century Jewish and Greco-Roman (pagan) asceticism. Among the Latin Church Fathers, both St. Jerome and St. Augustine make a point of comparing both ejaculation and childbirth with elimination, both being shameful. They probably borrowed the comparison from earlier sources, and the comparison was probably a commonplace by their time. So it is not surprising that the comparison is repeated by the self-described “Orthodox” Artemyev.

    According to Peter Brown in his book, “The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity” (first published in 1988, revised edition due soon in 2008), the sexual asceticism of pagans, Jews, and Christians in antiquity arose probably as kind of a psychological control mechanism in response to the sheer precariousness of life in antiquity for all classes. According to Brown, in early Christianity, women in particular were attracted to sexual asceticism because of the extremely high mortality rate for mothers during and immediately after delivering a child (puerperal mortality). For such women, sexual asceticism was also seen as a way of escaping the control of men.

    Peter Brown’s book listed above is informative about the origins of certain modern attitudes toward sex (like Artemyev’s and possibly Twisty’s). Artemyev, if he is a real person, is a nutcase, but he articulates his nuttiness through imagery drawn from ancient themes.

  5. If you go into the “Meta Stuff” section of this blog, the mystery will be explained.



    Actually, let me just tell you: I get way too many hits for stuff like “natasha [insert colourful keywords here]”. I don’t want this blog to get banned from countries with firewalls. Hence I break up potential keywords now.

  6. You’re just upset by the idea that women who knowingly waste themselves in heterosexual relationships and heterosexual sex will get what they deserve.

  7. Well hey there, ass-clown. Look, you’re putting me in a really weird position of defending Twisty, with whom I rarely agree, but here goes:

    To my knowledge, Twisty has never stated that anyone “deserves” anything. Maybe she thinks that, I don’t know, I don’t exactly have an ESP link-up to her mind, and hateful bullshit similar to yours does surface in her comments… But “deserve”?

    Where the hell do you get off? When a report about a battered woman murdered by her husband shows up on the 6 o’clock news, are you wanking…?

    Or, actually, you know what, I don’t want to know. I don’t need any nightmares. And yes, I had originally deleted your comment, but, at the same time, your position is interesting in that whole grisly ideological train-wreck sort of way.

  8. If anyone should be speaking about ass-clowns…

    I said “knowingly waste themselves.” KNOWINGLY.

    Many women have not caught on to the simple fact that all men hate them.

    But those who have, including yourslef – do not have an excuse. Or a prayer.

  9. ah right, okay, so FA, you -are- the same troll as “lizzzy” over at RE’s, yes? God, how much of a loser can you be? Look, the shit’s already plenty stirred up without basement wankers like you throwing your lame-ass anon crap in the mix, and you aren’t. funny. go tell your mother she wants you. -someone- has to.

  10. *sigh*

    I do miss TNG. 😉

    Many women have not caught on to the simple fact that all men hate them.

    Uh, I’m guessing you’d be including me in that “all men hate them” load of horseshit. *eyeroll*

    You know, having read your other wastes of bits on Natalia’s site, I would think we have evidence that you are a man, if your hypothesis is indeed correct that “all men hate [women]”. You certainly serve up a steaming pile of it regularly.

  11. FA — prove it. prove my husband hates me. while you’re at it, prove my month-old son hates me.

  12. BD:

    You asked recently on a thread at Ren’s about what “sex-negative” might look like. I would say Dmitrii Artemyev’s statement definitely nails it, followed closely by Twisty’s.

    Hence, feeling little precious little guilt vis-a-vis the whole “sex-positive implies there’s a sex-negative, you meanie” line.

    Thanks for posting this, Natalia.

  13. Actually, let me just tell you: I get way too many hits for stuff like “natasha [insert colourful keywords here]”. I don’t want this blog to get banned from countries with firewalls. Hence I break up potential keywords now.

    I’ve seen this in several blogs recently, so thanks for taking the time to explain! 🙂

    And… great post, too.

  14. Many women have not caught on to the simple fact that all men hate them.

    Fortunately, pseudo-feminist delusions are not actually contagious.

  15. Antiprincess, they are conditioned, by thousands of years of misogynist history, to hate you. You can’t place maleness out of the context of misogyny.

    They may not act like it, and they may not know it……..If only because your status as a “wife” and “mother” in her assigned role offers you protection. Imagine what would happen if this protection was removed. If they were strangers.

  16. They may not act like it, and they may not know it……..If only because your status as a “wife” and “mother” in her assigned role offers you protection. Imagine what would happen if this protection was removed. If they were strangers.

    ok – way too tired to be entertainingly snide, so I’ll just ask: if my husband doesn’t ACT like he hates me, and doesn’t KNOW he hates me, how does he hate me? if this hate does not manifest itself (to me, or to any other women, for that matter), how can we know it exists? how can this hate be said to exist, if there is no evidence of it?

    and once upon a time, my husband was a stranger. I mean, we haven’t always known each other. how could he perform acts of hate on me (knowingly or not) if he didn’t even know me?

    as for my son, well, he’s still too little to hate me. he doesn’t even know me, really. I haven’t yet punished him for misbehaving, or embarrassed him in public, or prevented him from committing whatever act of mischief he might be hell-bent on committing. He can’t be said rightly to hate me, or anyone. Unless you’re saying that his biology has become, after many many years of some sort of magic socio-evolution, destiny, and no matter what I do he’ll grow to hate me eventually, even if he doesn’t ever know it or show it?

  17. I just, y’know.

    Even I’m not married to / related to every male human I encounter, and I live under a rock and am descended from Catholic immigrants on one side.

  18. You can’t place maleness out of the context of misogyny.

    Well, then. The only answer is to start killing us. We hate women even when we believe in feminism, believe women as complete equals, and attempt to redress the numerous evils our gender has perpetrated.

    I tell you what, FA. My email is jwgoff@gmail.com. Email me, and we can set up a time and a place where you can kill my misogynistic self. I’ll even write up a letter saying that I personally wish for you to do it all. We could go to Canada as well to perform the act.

    One less misogynist, right?

  19. Even money says FA -is- a dude, or at minimum some hanger-on from anon’s merry crew or suchlike, who just finds this all terribly amusing. bargain basement Andy Kaufmans abound eh.

  20. FA has tried to respond here, to Jack in particular, but I deleted her comments and will be deleting any subsequent comments from her.

    She tried to leave a very disrespectful comment regarding the death of my friend under a different name (same IP though – God, what an idiot).

    I have had enough of her vileness.

  21. Dude… it’s about time.

    If you go to you Dasboard and click on “Settings” (upper right-hand corner) then on the “Discussion” tab, just drop her IP address in the “Comment Moderation” box and it’ll be automatically blocked… if you want to block her for good just put it in the “Comment Blacklist” box. You can remove it in the future if you ever find you can’t live without her/him/it.

    If you did publish the IP address it would give Everyone else the opportunity to block it as well…

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